MPODD arose in a myzozoan ancestor and is functionally conserved. (a) Multiple sequence alignment of MPODD homologues from different Plasmodium species. The secondary structure predicted with HHPred is indicated above the alignment (arrows indicate beta-strands, whereas barrels indicate alpha-helices). Residues that are conserved are written in white and highlighted in black, mostly conserved residues are highlighted in grey. The sequences are especially conserved at the N-terminus, whereas the degree of conserved residues decreases towards the C-terminus (indicated below the alignment). (b) Alignment of all MPODD homologues identified within apicomplexans, chromerids and dinoflagellates. Phyla are indicated on the left. (c) Phylogenetic tree of the sequences aligned in (b). Colours for different subclasses and phyla correspond to (a) and (b), whereas Piroplasmida (orange) and Coccidia (yellow) are also indicated. (d) Oocyst numbers 12 days post-infection of mpodd(−);mpoddPF3D7 in comparison with mpodd(−) infected mosquitoes. Mean with standard error indicated by the horizontal lines. (e) mpodd(−);mpoddPF3D7 and mpodd(−) ookinetes after culturing for 20 h. The mpodd homologue from P. falciparum fully restores normal ookinete development.