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. 2016 Apr 6;3(4):160007. doi: 10.1098/rsos.160007

Table 1.

Teams composed entirely of leads (L=M) are significantly more successful (MWU test on S) than teams of the same size with one lead (L=1), regardless of team size M. Teams above the 99th percentile in S were excluded to ensure the differences were not due to outliers.

no. teams N mean success S
M L=1 L=M L=1 L=M MWU p-value
2 14 823 8894 18.9 42.5 <10−213
3 6171 2261 14.5 58.3 <10−210
4 3063 717 12.8 62.1 <10−112
5 1489 289 12.1 94.5 <10−55
6 740 124 12.3 85.0 <10−36
7 350 46 9.8 120.5 <10−15
8 179 19a 7.5 224.1 <10−8
9 125 9 22.2 316.8 <0.008
10 66 6 17.8 163.5 <0.005

aWhen M≥8, the number of teams with L=M is too small (N<20) for us to reasonably conclude the difference in S is significant, despite the small p-values.