Figure 8.
Involvement of ERK1/2 activity in EphA7 signaling. (A–B) E17.5 wild-type cochleae cultured for 48 hours in the presence of either DMSO (vehicle) or 5-Iodotubercidin (5-ITU), immunostained with anti-Tuj1. Scale bar: 30 µm. (C) Quantification of percentage area of space unoccupied by inner radial bundles in cultured cochleae treated with DMSO (n = 7) or 5-ITU (n = 7). Data are shown as mean (small box) ±SD (larger box, with the line indicating the median value). **p < 0.01, t test. (D–F) E13.5 wild-type SG explants cultured in the presence of DMSO, 5-ITU or FR 180204 for 48 hours, stained with anti-Tuj1. Scale bar: 100 µm. (G) Quantification of average number of neurites per SG explant. Data are shown as mean ±SEM. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01, t test. N = 4 explants for each group.