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. 2016 Apr 29;4(1):e000202. doi: 10.1136/bmjdrc-2016-000202

Table 2.

Changes in antidiabetic treatment, weight, DXA, CPX, and 6 min hall-walk test

  No optimization (n=19)
Optimization (n=20)
p Value*
Baseline Follow-up Baseline Follow-up
Antidiabetic treatment
 Insulin (n) 16 16 18 19
 Insulin dose (IU/day) 74 (49–128) 68 (46–128) 60 (47–86) 80 (53–90)† 0.001
 Metformin (n) 9 9 9 11
 Metformin dose (mg/day) 1750±684 1805±682 1650±532 1816±476 0.39
 Blood sample measurements
 HbA1c (%/mmol/mol)) 8.3±0.7/67±10 8.4±1.0/68±11 8.4±0.8/68±9 7.6±0.7/60±7‡ <0.001
 Glucose (mM) 10.9±3.0 11.0±2.9 10.7±3.2 8.6±3.7§ 0.02
 LDL (mM) 1.8±0.7 1.9±0.7 2.0±1.1 2.2±1.2 0.99
 Triglyceride (mM) 1.6 (1.1–2.7) 1.3 (1.0–2.5) 1.9 (1.2–3.0) 1.9 (1.5–2.6) 0.65
 Weight (kg) 102±24 100±23 97±15 97±13 0.19
 Fat tissue (kg) 34.5±13.6 33.6±13.1 30.4±7.0 30.7±7.0 0.07
 Lean tissue (kg) 63.9±11.6 63.3±11.1 62.2±9.2 63.1±7.9 0.07
 Muscle strength
 Hand grip test (kg) 37.2±8.1 34.8±8.3§ 34.9±10.2 35.4±10.7 0.01
 Exercise capacity (W) 86±24 89±27 81±27 76±27 0.12
 Peak O2 mL/min/kg 13.2±3.8 12.5±3.7 12.0±3.6 11.0±3.4 0.55
 RER 1.07±0.14 1.12±0.09 1.12±0.11 1.14±0.10 0.28
 6-MWT (m) 449±79 452±85 393±89 399±95 0.84

Results are presented as mean±SD or median (25–75% percentile). There was no differences (p>0.05) in baseline values between the groups.

*p Values refer to differences in changes from baseline to follow-up between the groups.

†Significant increase from baseline within group (p<0.001).

‡Significant decrease from baseline within group (p<0.001).

§Significant decrease from baseline within group (p<0.01). 6-MWT, 6 min hall-walk test; CPX, cardiopulmonary exercise test; DXA, dual X-ray absorptiometry; HbA1c, hemoglobin A1c; IU, international units; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; RER, respiratory exchange ratio.