Table 1.
Amino acid sequence similarity and identity of putative DIR1 orthologs.
Organism | Protein | Amino Acid Sequence |
Similaritya | Identitya | ||
Arabidopsis thaliana | AtDIR1-like | 88% | 80% |
AtLTP2.12b | 38% | 27% | |
Arabidopsis lyrata | AlDIR1 | 96% | 93% |
AlDIR1-like | 87% | 80% | |
Brassica rapa | BrDIR1 | 83% | 72% |
Eutrema salsugineum | EsDIR1 | 86% | 77% |
Nicotiana tabacum | NtDIR1 | 62% | 52% |
NtDIR2 | 57% | 44% | |
NtDIR3 | 67% | 51% | |
Solanum lycopersicum | SlDIR1 | 63% | 50% |
SlDIR2 | 63% | 47% | |
SlDIR3 | 58% | 46% | |
Cucumis sativus | CsDIR1 | 61% | 48% |
CsDIR2 | 65% | 47% | |
Glycine max | GmDIR1 | 59% | 47% |
GmDIR2 | 57% | 46% | |
GmDIR3 | 61% | 49% |
aMature protein lacking signal peptide. bOutgroup for phylogenetic analysis.