Figure 4. Elimination of Mek1/2 kinases prevents induction of NSCLCs by an endogenous K-RasG12V oncogene.
(A) Survival of K-Ras+/G12V;Mek1+/+;Mek2+/+ (n=10) (open circles) and K-Ras+/G12V;Mek1lox/lox;Mek2−/− (n=14) (solid circles) mice treated with Ad-Cre at 8 weeks of age.
(B) Whole mount X-Gal staining of lung sections collected from mice with the indicated genotypes 6 months after Ad-Cre treatment. β-Geo positive cells identified by X-Gal staining (blue color) correspond to cells expressing K-RasG12V.
Scale bars 5 mm.
(C) Number of tumors, classified by grade (I-IV), observed in K-Ras+/G12V;Mek1+/+;Mek2+/+ (n=6) (open bars) and K-Ras+/G12V;Mek1lox/lox;Mek2−/− (n=8)(solid bars) mice.
Error bars indicate +/− SD of the mean.
p values were calculated according to Student’s t test.
(D) (Top) Southern blot analysis of genomic DNA isolated from individual tumors of K-Ras+/G12V;Mek1lox/lox;Mek2−/− mice 8 months after Ad-Cre treatment. DNAs were digested with HindIII and probed with a 680 bp DNA fragment obtained from a region downstream from the second loxP site. The migration of the unrecombined Mek1lox allele (1.7 kbp) and the Mek1− allele (1.5 kbp) is indicated by arrowheads. (Bottom) Western blot analysis of Mek1 and Mek2 expression in lysates obtained from individual tumors collected 8 months after Ad-Cre treatment of K-Ras+/G12V;Mek1+/+;Mek2+/+ and K-Ras+/G12V;Mek1lox/lox;Mek2−/− mice. The presence of Mek1 in tumors of Ad-Cre treated K-Ras+/G12V;Mek1lox/lox;Mek2−/− mice, due to partial cleavage of the Mek1lox allele, indicates that Mek1 is essential for tumor development. Gapdh was used as loading control.
Migration of the above proteins is indicated by arrowheads
(E) Survival of Mek1+/+;Mek2+/+;RERTert/ert (n=6) (open circles) and Mek1lox/lox;Mek2−/−;RERTert/ert (n=6) (solid circles) mice fed ad libitum a tamoxifen-containing diet to activate the knocked in CreERT2 recombinase encoded by the RERTert alleles.
See also figure S4.