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. 2014 May 9;56(2):243–255. doi: 10.1093/geront/gnu040

Table 4.

Dependency and Barrier Themes Within Domains

Code Description and examples
Within person
 01—Functional ability Gross and fine motor deficits; paralysis, loss of function; e.g., “I can’t play cards because I can’t hold the cards in my hands,” “I can’t do that because I’m in a wheelchair”
 02—Sensory ability Deficits of the senses; sensory limitation, vision or hearing impairment; e.g., “I can’t see anymore, so reading is not important,” “I can’t hear, so listening to music isn’t important”
 03—Perceived personal health Physical and mental health; experiencing pain, not feeling well, not sleeping well, sick; e.g., “If I’m not sick,” “If I’m not feeling well it’s not important”
 04—Situational need Situationally driven, adjustment issue; e.g., “If I had an accident,” “If I needed to talk to someone,” “If I had something stolen”
 05—Mood Feeling words; e.g., “If I feel down in the dumps,” “I’m not in the mood”
 06—Cognitive ability Related to cognitive functioning; e.g., “If I have my mind,” “As long as I have my mentality,” “If I remember to go”
 07—Level of interest Cognitive words like interested; level of interest in how preference is met or what preference is; e.g., “If I like it is very important to me,” “I hate cats, but I love dogs,” “It depends on the band”
 08—Personal schedule Related to daily schedule; e.g., “Depends what is scheduled,” “If I’m late it’s more important,” “If I have to go to an appointment”
 09—Perceived level of choice/opportunity Feeling of lack of choice or opportunity (Only code if clear that it is not about the facility schedule/policy.); e.g., “I have no choice,” “They don’t have that here”
 10—Level of personal resources Related to a person’s financial or other resources; e.g., “I have no money,” “I don’t have any valuables”
 11—Life stage or history Related to the stage of life or past history of person, NH vs. Home; e.g., “It was more important when I was younger,” “Important when I was married,” “It was more important when I lived at home”
 12—Competency Talent or achievement; e.g., “It’s not important because I’m not good at it”
 13—Perceived social acceptability The perceived social acceptability of the preference; social conformity; gambling, drinking, sex, racial issues; e.g., “If I don’t say exercise is important they will think I’m lazy,” “They will think I’m an alcoholic if I say drinking is very important”
 14—New knowledge Gaining new knowledge leads to a change in preference fulfillment or preference importance
 15—General changing one’s mind General talk about a change in perspective, not related to new information/experiences
Facility environment
 16—Facility schedule Related to timing and frequency of facility events; staff schedule; e.g., “We only can shower twice a week”; “I have to get up when they want me to,” “They tell us when to eat”
 17—Facility policy Based on rules/policies of the facility; e.g., “They assigned me my doctor and nurses,” “I can’t have a pet here”
 18—Physical environment Physical environment of the facility; transportation; includes auditory environment; e.g., “I can’t control the temperature, they do,” “I can’t move the furniture around in my room, it has to stay where it is,” “I need someone to take me outside”
 19—Human resources The people the facility has; related to staffing; no translator; e.g., “There are no men to bathe me,” “I have to wait to go to the bathroom because there is only one aide”
 20—Facility resources Related to the resources of the facility; not enough money to get transportation for a resident
 21—Staff proficiency Related to the abilities of the staff; overall comments of facility/staff performance included here too; e.g., “I can’t understand what they are saying because of their accent,” “Doesn’t matter as long as they know what they are doing,” “I don’t care as long as they are trained to do what they are supposed to”
Social environment
 22—Quality of interaction Behavior of others; issues related to other’s impairment; e.g., “Those people,” “All depends on who they are, quiet, join me,” “If they annoy me, distract me,” “Depends how they act towards me”
 23—Type of staff relationship Quality of relationship with staff; explicit about type of relationship to staff; floater vs. regular staff; e.g., “My psychologist, my doctor,” “If I only had these two aides the rest of my life,” “Some staff show they care others are indifferent”
 24—Type of nonstaff relationship Quality of relationship with others besides staff; e.g., “I like spending time with my grandkids, but not other kids,” “I like spending time with my family”
Global environment
 25—Weather/season Related to weather and season of the year; temperature, winter, weather forecast; e.g., “I have to look at the weather to see what I’m going to wear”
 26—Current news events Current world, national, and local events in the news; e.g., “It depends what’s going on in the world. World events. National. Like the November elections,” “When you hear about something new happening, like a comet or a disaster”
 27—Special occasions Special events; holidays, birthdays, weddings; e.g., “It’s more important at Christmas time,” “It’s important to look nice for a wedding”