Figure 8.
NRL1 is down-regulated by both P. infestans infection and PAMP treatment, while overexpression of NRL1 enhances P. infestans leaf colonization and suppresses INF1-triggered cell death. A, Relative expression levels of NbNRL1a, NbNRL1b, NbWRKY7, and NbWRKY8 in response to P. infestans infection. B, Relative expression levels of NbNRL1a, NbNRL1b, NbWRKY7, and NbWRKY8 in response to P. infestans culture filtrate (CF) treatment. In A and B, 2D/D Ct = log base2 delta delta cycle threshold. C, The graph shows that overexpression of GFP-Pi02860 and GFP-StNRL1 significantly increases (P < 0.001, n = 106) P. infestans lesion size compared with free GFP. The representative leaf image shows P. infestans lesions following the overexpression of each construct, as indicated, in N. benthamiana. D, The graph shows that overexpression of GFP-Pi02860 and GFP-StNRL1 significantly decreases (P < 0.001, n = 44) INF1 HR compared with free GFP. The representative leaf image shows INF1 HR with overexpression of each construct in N. benthamiana. E, The graph shows that coexpression of GFP-Pi02860 and GFP-StNRL1 has no significant effect (P = 0.325, n = 24) on Cf4-Avr4 HR compared with free GFP. The representative leaf image shows Cf4-Avr4 HR with overexpression of each construct in N. benthamiana. Lowercase letters on graphs denote statistically significant differences by one-way ANOVA, with pairwise comparisons performed with the Holm-Sidak method. Results shown are combinations of three independent biological replicates. Error bars show se.