(A) Representative images of anaphases that were categorized as normal, those with lagging chromosomes, those with acentric DNA fragments, or those with chromosome bridges for GNS 179 cells expressing GFP, GFP-Kif2A, GFP-MCAK, or the dominant negative GFP-MCAK Hypir mutant. Lagging chromosomes have centromeres localized between the two separating daughter nuclei while acentric DNA fragments do not have detectable centromere signal. Chromosome bridges are stretches of DNA connecting the two separating daughter nuclei. Shown in the images are DNA (blue), the GFP expression construct (green), centromeres (red), and microtubules (grayscale). The insets are contrasted images to enhance the acentric DNA fragments and bridges. Scale bar, 5μm. (B) Percentage of anaphase defects in GNS 179 cells. N≥50 anaphases scored from 11 or more replicate coverslips and *p<0.05, Fisher’s exact test compared with control GFP expressing cells.