Table 2. The GO and KEGG pathway analyses of the genes commonly up-regulated by both 5-Aza-CdR treatment and Dnmt1-knockdown.
Term | Description | Genes | NGR | NG | p-value |
GO:0009615 | Response to virus | Klra8,Zc3hav1,Ifih1,Irf7,Oas1b,Rsad2,Ifit1,Mx2 | 79 (36814) | 8 (105) | 2.36441E-08 |
GO:0035458 | Cellular response to interferon-beta | Gbp3,Gbp2,Ifit3,Ifit1 | 17 (36814) | 4 (105) | 2.31915E-05 |
GO:0006955 | Immune response | B2m,Oasl2,Oas1b,Ccl2,Oas1a,Ccl5 | 151 (36814) | 6 (105) | 0.00053118 |
GO:0071346 | Cellular response to interferon-gamma | Gbp3,Gbp2,Ccl2 | 16 (36814) | 3 (105) | 0.000986171 |
GO:0019060 | Intracellular transport of viral proteins in host cell | Tap1,Ifit1 | 4 (36814) | 2 (105) | 0.00309224 |
GO:0043123 | Positive regulation of I-kappaB kinase/NF-kappaB cascade | Bst2,Rnf31,Zc3hav1,Ubd | 98 (36814) | 4 (105) | 0.00535993 |
GO:0010759 | Positive regulation of macrophage chemotaxis | Ccl2,Ccl5 | 7 (36814) | 2 (105) | 0.00538121 |
GO:0045071 | Negative regulation of viral genome replication | Ifit1,Ccl5 | 7 (36814) | 2 (105) | 0.00538121 |
GO:0071360 | Cellular response to exogenous dsRNA | Zc3hav1,Ifit1 | 7 (36814) | 2 (105) | 0.00538121 |
GO:0032020 | ISG15-protein conjugation | Ube2l6,Usp18 | 6 (36814) | 2 (105) | 0.00550129 |
Pathway | |||||
KEGG 05162 | Measles | Mx2,Adar,Irf7,Stat2,Oas1a,Ifih1,Oas2,Oas1b | 135 (36814) | 8 (105) | 2.85178E-07 |
KEGG 05160 | Hepatitis C | Irf7,Stat2,Ifit1,Oas1a,Oas2,Oas1b | 137 (36814) | 6 (105) | 7.35785E-05 |
KEGG 04623 | Cytosolic DNA-sensing pathway | Ccl5,Adar,Irf7 | 62 (36814) | 3 (105) | 0.0130779 |
KEGG 04620 | Toll-like receptor signaling pathway | Ccl5,Irf7,Cd80 | 100 (36814) | 3 (105) | 0.0387771 |
The top 10 terms of GO analysis of the genes commonly up-regulated by both 5-Aza-CdR treatment and Dnmt1-knockdown.
The KEGG Pathway analysis of the genes commonly up-regulated by both 5-Aza-CdR treatment and Dnmt1-knockdown.
GO, gene ontology; KEGG, Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes; NGR, Number of annotated genes in the reference list (Total number of genes in the reference list); NG, Number of annotated genes in the input list (Total number of genes in the input list).