Table 1.
Methodological and content-specific characteristics of studies (N = 20).
Methodological characteristics |
Findings |
Author/year | Country of study | Practice specificity | Measure of patient view | Measure validation | Comparison group | Sample size, method, recruitment site | Patients’ characteristics and response rate | Response format | Scale | Range of results |
Quantitative studies | ||||||||||
Wouters et al.31 | South Africa | PHC component | Evaluation | Yes | Yes | 975, stratified random, facility | All ⩾18 years, female 68.1%, unemployed 83.6% | Rating scale | a, h, l | Mn = 79.9, SD = 11.1, Md = 84.5, range = 63.5–87.3 |
Oladapo and Osiberu32 | Nigeria | PHC component | Evaluation | No | No | 452, systematic sample, facility | All females, uneducated 5.1%, unemployed 19%, married 90.7%, 98% response | Proportion | b, c, k, l | Reported predictors |
Abiodun33 | Nigeria | Entire PHC | Evaluation | No | Yes | 183, purposive sample, facility | All ⩾18 years, female 60.1%, uneducated 20.2% | Rating scale | a, b, f, h, i, l, m | Mn = 56.8, SD = 3.0, Md = 57.8, range = 52.8–60.5 |
Thomson and Myrdal34 | South Africa | Entire PHC | Evaluation | No | Yes | 100, convenience sample, facility | Female 70%, uneducated 13% | Report | b, c, d, i | |
Yé et al.35 | Burkina Faso | Entire PHC | Evaluation | Yes | No | 1081, sampling procedure? facility | Female 57%, uneducated 82%, response rate 96% | Rating scale | a, b, d, i | Mn = 64.6, SD = 10.3, Md = 62.1, range = 51.9–76.8 |
Peltzer36 | South Africa | Entire PHC | Evaluation | Yes | No | 174, multistage cluster, community | All ⩾18 years, female 51%, unemployed 72%, married 40% | Proportion | b, d | Mn = 29.0, SD = 6.3, Md = 31.0, range = 22.0–34.0 |
Oladapo et al.37 | Nigeria | PHC component | Evaluation | No | No | 427, convenience, facility | All female, uneducated 5.1%, previous visit to facility 21.7%, 98% response | Proportion | b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, I | Mn = 73.3, SD = 20.5, Md = 74.3, range = 29.0–96.7 |
Chimbindi et al.38 | South Africa | PHC component | Evaluation | ? | Yes | 600, multistage, facility | All ⩾18 years, female 57%, uneducated 17.5%, unemployed 89.5%, married 18% | Proportion | a, c, f, l, m | Mn = 79.1, SD = 21.1, Md = 87.0, range = 52.5–98.0 |
Udonwa et al.39 | Nigeria | PHC component | Evaluation | No | No | 425, systematic, facility | Female 88.3%, uneducated 15.2%, unemployed 16.7%, response rate 94.8% | Proportion | a, b, c, e, h, m | Mn = 57.8, SD = 15.5, Md = 56.5, range = 39.1–81.5 |
Ogaji and Etokidem40 | Nigeria | Entire PHC | Evaluation/preference | Yes | Yes | 68, convenience, facility | All ⩾18 years, female 55.9%, married 71.2%, response rate 100% | Rating scale/proportion | a, b, f, h, i, j, k, l, m | (Scale)–Mn = 61.7, SD = 18.2, Md = 60.4, range = 37.8–88.3 |
Kyaddondo et al.41 | Uganda | PHC component | Evaluation | No | No | 395, cluster, community | Female 64.8%, uneducated 58%, unemployed 1.8%, married 65.1% | Proportion | e, m | Mn = 82.4, SD = 16.4, Md = 82.4, range 70.8–94.0 |
Mayeye et al.42 | South Africa | PHC component | Evaluation | No | No | 200, sampling? facility | Aged 16–19 years, female 98%, married 6% | Proportion | a, b, d, e, f, k, m | Mn = 74.2, SD = 12.3, Md = 80.0, range = 49.0–85.0 |
Bediako et al.43 | South Africa | Entire PHC | Evaluation | No | No | 567, convenience, facility | All ⩾18 years, female 76.7%, previous visit to facility 79.3% | Proportion | a, b, c, d, e, g, h, m | Mn = 51.1, SD = 15.3, Md = 55.6, range = 24.5–69.0 |
MacKeith et al.44 | Zambia | PHC component | Evaluation | No | No | 1210, multistage, systematic, community | All females, uneducated 5% | Proportion | a, b, d, l | Mn = 84.0, SD = 7.1, Md = 84.0, range = 79.0–89.0 |
Mixed methods studies | ||||||||||
MCur45 | South Africa | PHC component | Report/preference | ? | Yes | 50, convenience, facility | All females, aged 15–49 years | Rating scale | a, b, e, h, m | |
Richter and Mfolo46 | South Africa | Entire PHC | Preference/report | Yes | No | 119, convenience, facility | Aged 14–19 years, female 83% | Proportion/report | b, d, m | Mn = 62.5, SD = 51.6, Md = 62.5, range = 26.0–99.0 |
Ehiri et al.47 | Nigeria | PHC component | Report/evaluation | ? | No | 76, sampling? facility | All mothers | Report/proportion | a, c, f, g | Mn prop (b) = 72.0, average time spent at facility = 1 hour |
Qualitative studies | ||||||||||
Sokhela et al.48 | South Africa | Entire PHC | Report | ? | No | 83, sampling? facility | Report | a, b, d, h, I, m | ||
Mashego and Peltzer49 | South Africa | Entire PHC | Report | ? | No | 74, sampling? community | Female 55.3% | Report | a, c, d, f, g, h, I, I, m | |
Haddad et al.50 | Guinea | Entire PHC | Preference/report | ? | No | 180, sampling? community | Report | a, b, c, e, f, g, h, i |
Mn: mean; SD: standard deviation; Md: median; PHC: primary health care; a: humanness; b: access; c: bureaucratic arrangement; d: cost; e: information and communication; f: physical facilities; g: adequacy of supplies; h: technical performance; i: outcome; j: likelihood of return; k: recommendation to other; l: Overall satisfaction; m: psychosocial aspect of care; ?: not clear.