Fig. 5.
VEGF-B inhibited H/R-induced autophagy. a LC3-II/I expression was detected using western blot, as described in the “Methods” section (a), and quantified via normalization to a-tubulin (b). *P < 0.05 vs. 15 % FBS-treated cells; # P < 0.05 vs. H/R-treated cells; @ P < 0.05 vs. 0.1 ng/ml VEGF-B-treated cells; $ P < 0.05 vs. 1.0 ng/ml VEGF-B-treated cells; & P < 0.05 vs. 10 ng/ml VEGF-B-treated cells; ^ P < 0.05 vs. 20 ng/ml VEGF-B-treated cells, n = 3. c Representative images showing LC3 staining in different groups of H9c2 cells infected with Ad-GFP-RFP-LC3 for 48 h