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. 2015 Aug 13;84(5):771–788. doi: 10.1111/cen.12857

Table 4.

Characteristics of 46, XY disorders of sex development

Inheritance and Gene Genitalia Wolffian duct derivatives Mullerian duct derivatives Gonads Typical features Hormone profile
Leydig cell hypoplasia Autosomal Recessive, LH/HCGR Female, hypospadias or micropenis Hypoplastic Absent Testes Underandrogenization with variable failure of sex hormone production at puberty Low T and DHT, elevated LH and FSH, exaggerated LH response to LHRH, poor T and DHT response to hCG stimulation
Lipoid CAH Autosomal Recessive, StAR Female, rarely ambiguous or male Hypoplastic or normal Absent Testes Severe adrenal insufficiency in infancy with salt loss, failure of pubertal development, rare cases associated with isolated glucocorticoid deficiency Usually deficient of glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids and sex steroids
P450SCC def Autosomal Recessive, CYP11A1 Female, rarely ambiguous or hypospadias Hypoplastic or normal Absent Testes Severe adrenal insufficiency in infancy with salt loss ranging to milder adrenal insufficiency with onset in childhood Usually deficient of glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids and sex steroids
3β‐hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase II def Autosomal Recessive, HSD3B2 Ambiguous, hypospadias Normal Absent Testes Severe adrenal insufficiency in infancy ± salt loss, poor androgenization at puberty with gynaecomastia Increased concentrations of Δ5 C21‐ and C19‐ steroids, 17 hydroxypregnenolone and DHEA suppressible by dexamethasone
Combined 17α‐hydroxylase/17,20‐lyase def Autosomal Recessive, CYP17A1 Female, ambiguous, hypospadias or micropenis Absent or hypoplastic Absent Testes Absent or poor virilization at puberty, gynaecomastia, hypertension Decreased T, increased LH and FSH, increased plasma deoxycorticosterone, corticosterone and progesterone, decreased plasma renin activity, low renin hypertension with hypokalaemic alkalosis
Isolated 17,20‐lyase def Autosomal Recessive, CYP17A1, usually affecting key redox domains, alternatively caused by cytochrome b5 mutations (CYB5) Female, ambiguous or hypospadias Absent or hypoplastic Absent Testes Absent or poor androgenization at puberty, gynaecomastia Decreased T, DHEA, androstenedione and oestradiol, abnormal increase in plasma 17‐hydroxyprogesterone and 17‐hydroxypregnenolone, increased LH and FSH, increased ratio of C21‐deoxysteroids to C19‐steroids after hCG stim
P450 oxidoreductase def Autosomal Recessive, POR Ambiguous, hypospadias or normal male Absent or hypoplastic Absent Testes Variable androgenization at birth and puberty, glucocorticoid deficiency, features of skeletal malformations. Maternal androgenization during pregnancy onset second trimester possible Combined P450c17 and P450c21 insuff, normal or low cortisol with poor response to ACTH stim, elevated 17‐hydroxyprogesterone, T low
17β‐hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 3 def Autosomal Recessive HSD17B3 Female, ambiguous, blind vaginal pouch Present Absent Testes Androgenization at puberty, gynaecomastia variable Increased plasma estrone, decreased ratio of testosterone/androstenedione and oestradiol after hCG stim, increased FSH and LH
5α‐reductase‐2 def Autosomal Recessive SRD5A2 Ambiguous, micropenis, hypospadias, blind vaginal pouch Normal Absent Testes Decreased facial and body hair, no temporal hair recession, prostate not palpable Decreased ratio of 5α/5β C21‐ and C19‐ steroids in urine, increased T/DHT ratio beforeand after hCG stim, modest increase in LH, decreased conversion of T to DHT in vitro
CAIS X‐linked Recessive AR Female with blind vaginal pouch Often present depending on mutation type Absent or vestigial Testes Scant or absent pubic and axillary hair, breast development and female body habitus at puberty, primary amenorrhoea Increased LH and T, increased oestradiol, FSH levels normal or slightly increased, resistance to androgenic and metabolic effects of T (may be normal in some cases)
PAIS X‐linked Recessive AR Ambiguous with blind vaginal pouch, isolated hypospadias, normal male with infertility (mild) Often normal Absent Testes Decreased to normal axillary and pubic hair, facial and body hair, gynaecomastia common at puberty Increased LH and T, increased oestradiol, FSH levels may be normal or slightly increased, partial resistance to androgenic and metabolic effects of T

DHT, dihydrotestosterone; FSH, follicle‐stimulating hormone; hCG, human chorionic gonadotropin; LH, luteinising hormone; T, testosterone; DHEA, dehydroepiandrosterone; ACTH, adrenocorticotropin hormone.