Table 4.
Logistic regression model: Severe steroid use
Variable | B | SE | AOR | 95% CI |
Hispanic | .113 | .472 | 1.12 | .432–2.90 |
White | .284 | .377 | 1.328 | .620–2.85 |
Asthma | .573 | .348 | 1.774 | .879–3.58 |
Very underweighta | 2.417 | .604 | 11.21** | 3.31–37.98 |
Underweighta | −.681 | .575 | .506 | .158–1.62 |
Overweighta | −.814 | .702 | .443 | .107–1.83 |
Very overweighta | 1.831 | .560 | 6.24** | 2.01–19.34 |
Lose weightb | −.550 | .564 | .577 | .185–1.80 |
Gain weightb | .948 | .441 | 2.58* | 1.06–6.29 |
Stay the same weightb | .457 | .608 | 1.579 | .463–5.39 |
Age | .272 | .131 | 1.31* | 1.01–1.71 |
Sports participation | .050 | .139 | 1.05 | .794–1.39 |
BMI percentile | .021 | .007 | 1.02** | .1.01–1.04 |
AOR = adjusted odds ratio; BMI = body mass index; CI = confidence interval; SE = standard error.
As compared to referent group “about the right weight.”
As compared to referent group “not trying to do anything about weight.”
p < .05;
p < .01.