Figure 9.
The seb-1 regulon. (A) Venn diagram showing the overlap between the differentially expressed genes exhibiting a statistically significant profile during heat shock in the wild-type and Δseb-1 strains (P < 0.05). (B) Distribution of the ORFs (open reading frames) identified by RNA-seq. (C) Heat map showing Euclidean distances between wild-type (WT) and Δseb-1 strains under heat shock. The darker the color, the closer are the two datasets. a, b, and c, RNA-seq libraries from the wild-type strain at 30°; d and e, RNA-seq libraries from the wild-type strain at 45°; g and h, RNA-seq libraries from the Δseb-1 strain at 30°; j, k, and l, RNA-seq libraries from the Δseb-1 strain at 45°. (D) Distribution of differentially expressed genes showing a statistically significant profile in the response to shock in the wild-type and Δseb-1 strains, according to functional categories (GO terms). The scores represent the number of ORFs identified as differentially expressed. GO terms are listed on the left and the Blast2GO score of molecular function is shown on top. Gene Ontology (GO) analyses were performed using the Blast2GO web tool, as described in Material and Methods.