Figure 2.
A conceptual representation of Flynotyper algorithm for detection of ommatidial centers, and calculation of ommatidial disorderliness is shown for different classes of eye phenotypes. Grayscale inverted and bright field images of (A) wild type control eye, (B) subtle rough eye, (C) rough eye, and (D) severe rough eye phenotypes are shown. The ommatidial centers were accurately detected in all the four categories of eye phenotypes. In the algorithm, the six neighboring ommatidia are chosen based on distance; the closest six ommatidia are considered for calculation of phenotypic scores. The six local vectors are represented by black (for grayscale/inverted) and yellow arrows (for bright-field images). The red and white arrows represent the angle between two adjacent vectors in grayscale/inverted and bright-field images, respectively. Note the differences in the lengths of the local vectors and the angles between them in different classes of eye phenotypes.