1. Parental Monitoring and Behavior Management |
Training (generally targeting parents) that develops skills for effective monitoring and management of behavior. |
2. Fostering School Success |
Behavior that relates specifically to school, which includes parental actions aimed at fostering the family’s involvement with school as well as youth actions that contribute to increased success in school, such as being productive and efficient with their time. |
3. Positive Family Relationships |
Training, activities, and experiences that are designed to promote a warm, friendly, engaged relationship between parents and youth, including skills related to emotional closeness, sharing, listening, and disclosure. |
4. Substance Use Knowledge, Attitudes, and Values |
Information and training that helps parents and youth to understand the facts regarding substance use and to clarify attitudes and values regarding substance use. |
5. Self-Regulation and Stress Management |
Training that enables parents and youth to cope with stress and anger. |
6. Problem Solving |
Training that assists parents and their youth with resolving on-going problems and sources of conflict. This entails facilitating conversations about problems where all sides contribute their own point of view and an agreement is reached that is equitable to all sides. |
7. Resisting Peer Risk |
The development of skills and values that help youth to resist peer pressure to get involved in risky situations or engage in risky behavior. For parents, this code includes information and skills related to supporting their teen in avoiding or dealing with risky situations. |
8. Psycho-Education |
Information and training that provides parents with insight into biological, cognitive, and social development during childhood and/or adolescence. |
9. Ethnic Identity |
Activities designed to develop an awareness of or pride in one’s ethnic identity. This also includes development of skills for dealing with racial discrimination. |
10. Future Orientation |
Envisioning dreams for the future and setting long-term goals related to these dreams. This includes youth working with their own goals, parenting thinking about goals for their youth and how to help youth attain them, and parents supporting and encouraging youth with their own goals. |
11. Other |
All time taken by prevention programs that could not be allocated to a specific code (e.g., program introductions and overviews, icebreaker activities, discussion of rules, general reviews of material, program evaluations, celebrations, etc.). |