Fig. 4.
CSF-1R blockade potentiates antitumor responses to checkpoint blockade. (a) Mean tumor growth and overall survival of B16-IDO tumor-bearing mice treated with PLX647 and/or aCTLA-4 + aPD-1. (b) B16-IDO tumors from mice treated with PLX647 and/or aCTLA-4 + aPD-1 were harvested 2 weeks after tumor cell inoculation and analyzed for absolute numbers of CD45+ cells and T cells per gram of tumor. (c) Infiltration of CD8+ T cells, CD4+ Foxp3− T cells and CD4+ Foxp3+ Tregs gated on the CD45+ population. (d) Representative dot plots showing IFNγ expressing CD8+ T cells in response to in vitro stimulation with DCs. (e) Effector T cells to Treg ratios in tumors. (f) Relative percentage of total CD11b+ cells and CD11b+ Gr1int subsets of CD45+ TILs. (g) Survival curves for B16-IDO tumor-bearing mice treated with PLX647 and/or aCTLA-4 + aPD-1 plus depleting antibodies for CD8 and CD4 or a corresponding dose of IgG isotype control. (h) Mean tumor growth and overall survival of CT26 tumor-bearing mice treated with PLX647 and/or aCTLA-4 + aPD-1. Data are mean ± SEM of 3 independent experiments with 5 mice/group.