Table 1.
Descriptive data of 10 936 operations for pancreatic cancer performed in Italy from 2010 to 2012, stratified in quintiles according to hospital volume of pancreatic cancer resections
Volume category | No. of resections per year (3-yrs range) | No. of operations | No. of hospitals (%) | Mean age (SD) | Males (%) | Tumour site*: Head/body-tail (%) | Cases with metastases (%) | Mean Charlson comorbidity Index (SD) | Operations performed in public hospitals (%) | Operations funded by national health service (%) |
Very low | 1.5 (0–9) | 2286 | 408 (75.0) | 71 [14] | 1185 (51.8) | 1330/516 (58.1%/22.6%) | 586 (25.6) | 5 [3] | 1697 (74.2) | 2240 (98) |
Low | 5.5 (10–26) | 2120 | 76 (14.0) | 70 [14] | 1106 (52.2) | 1317/412 (62.1%/19.4%) | 482 (22.7) | 5 [2] | 1983 (93.5) | 2106 (99.3) |
Medium | 13.5 (27–57) | 2165 | 37 (6.8) | 70 [14] | 1175 (54.3) | 1389/529 (64.1%/24.4%) | 406 (18.8) | 5 [2] | 1891 (87.3) | 2142 (98.9) |
High | 33.5 (58–141) | 2388 | 17 (3.1) | 67 [15] | 1254 (52.5) | 1487/572 (62.3%/24.0%) | 484 (20.3) | 5 [2] | 1481 (62.0) | 2286 (95.7) |
Very high | 91 (>141) | 1977 | 6 (1.1) | 66 [15] | 1035/942 (52.4) | 1191/471 (60.2%/23.8%) | 461 (23.3) | 5 [2] | 1401 (70.9) | 1890 (95.6) |
Overall | 13.5 (0–432) | 10 936 | 544 | 69 [14] | 5755 (52.6%) | 6714/2500 (61.4%/22.9%) | 2419 (22.1) | 5 [2] | 8453 (77.3) | 10 664 (97.5) |
*in 1722 cases (15.7%) the tumour site could not be assessed (ICD-9codes: 157.9-8-3) SD = standard deviation.