Figure 4.
Motor and anxiety tests in Shank3e4ā9 mutant mice. (A) All genotypes showed similar locomotor habituation over 2 hr in the locomotor box. (B) In the rotarod test all genotypes showed similar motor learning and coordination over 2 days and 8 trials. In the open field test all genotypes spent a similar amount of time in the center (C) and traveled similar distances (D). (E) In the dark/light test all three genotypes showed similar latencies to enter the light chamber from the dark chamber; additionally all genotypes spent equivalent times in either the dark or light chamber (F). In the elevated plus maze all three genotypes spent a similar percentage of time in open arms and closed arms respectively (G) and traveled similar distances in this task (H). All genotypes performed similarly in the marble burying test (I) and nest building test (JāK); (n = 20 WT, 16 HET, 20 KO).