Vocalization and grooming abnormalities in Shank3e4–9 mutant mice. (A) Shank3e4–9 KO mice displayed increased time spent grooming during the observation period. (B) All genotypes display similar number of grooming bouts during the 10-min observation period. (C) Both KO and HET mice spend more time grooming per bout than WT mice. (*P < 0.05; **P < 0.01, n = 20 WT, 16 HET, 20 KO). (D) Both HET and KO mice display abnormalities in the number of ultrasonic calls following separation from their mother early in life. At age P4 and P6 KO mice display an increase in number of calls compared to WT mice, while HET mice displayed increased calls at ages P4 and P12 (*P < 0.05; **P < 0.01, P4: n = 8 WT, 20 HET, 6 KO; P6: n = 21 WT, 10 HET, 14 KO; P8: n = 26 WT, 32 HET, 16 KO, P10: n = 17 WT, 26 HET, 7 KO; P12: n = 29 WT, 25 HET, 15 KO).