Fig 7. Ultrastructural study of ONH after ON crushing.
(A) Areas in degeneration (empty arrows) and the area analyzed in B (asterisk). (B) The micrograph shows areas in degeneration (empty arrows), a large number of unmyelinated axons (Ax) and few myelinated axons (empty arrowheads). Microglia cells (Mic) associated with Müller end feet (Mü) are detected. (C) Oligodendrocyte (Olig). Square enlarged in D. (D) Microtubules (m). (E) Area analyzed in F (asterisk). (F) The micrograph shows a large number of unmyelinated axons (Ax). Numerous microglia cells (Mic), blood cells (Bl) and astrocyte processes with intermediate filaments (f) are seen, as well as the cytoplasm of some immature cells (Im). BL: basal lamina, CA: central artery, f: intermediate filaments, mit: mitochondria, Nuc: nucleolus, desmosomes (arrowheads). Scale bars: A, E: 50 μm; B, F: 2500 nm; C-D: 1000 nm.