Fluorescent immunolocalization of Nr2c1 and markers of stem cell populations in mouse olfactory epithelium at E10.5 shows that a subset of Nr2c1-expressing cells are olfactory stem cells. A–E. Co-expression of Nr2c1 (red) and Pax7 (green), a marker for pluripotent stem cells in the OE. A subset of Nr2c1-expressing cells coexpress Pax7 (arrows, D–E). F–J. Co-expression of Nr2c1 (red) and Ascl1, a marker for a rapidly dividing transit-amplifying precursor population in the OE. Numerous Nr2c1-expressing cells co-express Ascl1 (arrows, I,J). K–P. Co-expression of Nr2c1 (red) and Ncam (green), a marker for post-mitotic neurons, both in the OE as well as in the adjacent migratory mass (mm). Some Ncam-positive neurons in the migratory mass show Nr2c1 expression (L–N, arrows), although this expression is less robust than the expression in the adjacent OE (L). O–Q. Within the OE, cells that robustly express Nr2c1 are not co-labeled with Ncam (P–Q, arrows), and Ncam-labeled cells express Nr2c1 at low levels (P–Q, asterisks). All panels imaged by confocal microscope (Left: 20×, Right: 63×). Scale bars for C, H, K are 25 μm; E, J: 5 μm.