(A and B) Representative overlaid xy-plane image of both forward and backward SHG images and a scatter plot, in which forward SHG voxel intensities are plotted as a function of backward SHG voxel intensities, shows linear relationship between forward and backward SHG signals. (C) Overlaid xy-plane image of forward and backward SHG images which shows the position of line profiles correspond to forward SHG signal (green line in G) and backward SHG (red line in plot G). (D) The positively correlated xy-plane image which shows areas of positive correlation and the position of line profile corresponds to positively correlated voxel intensities (blue line in plot G). (E) Overlaid xz-plane image of forward and backward SHG images which shows the position of line profile correspond to forward SHG signals (green line in plot H) and backward SHG signals (red line in plot H). (F) The positively correlated xz-plane image which shows areas of positive correlation and the position of line profile corresponds to positively correlated voxel intensities (blue line in plot H). (G) Lateral (xy-plane) line profiles of forward and backward SHG signals where voxel intensities (y -axis, left) are plotted as a function of line distance. Also shown colocalization profile (blue line) and non-colocalization profile (gray line) where positively and negatively correlated voxel intensities of (Fi-FA)×(Bi-BA) (y-axis, right) are plotted as a function of the line distance. Note that the negatively correlated or non-colocalized voxels are non-existent in xy-plane. (H) Axial (xz-plane) line profiles of forward and backward SHG signals where voxel intensities (y -axis, left) are plotted as a function of line distance. Also shown colocalization profile (blue line) and non-colocalization profile (gray line) where positively and negatively correlated voxel intensities of (Fi-FA)×(Bi-BA) (y-axis, right) are plotted as a function of the line distance. Note that the negatively correlated or non-colocalized pixels are non-existent in xz-plane as well. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)