sws-1 is synthetic lethal with helq-1. (A) Brood size and viability of helq-1 and helq-1;sws-1 mutants. (B) Quantification of the number of DAPI-staining bodies at diakinesis in wild-type, sws-1, helq-1, and helq-1;sws-1 germlines. Only the −1 oocyte was used for analysis (n = 20 for wild type (wt) and helq-1; n = 50 for sws-1 and helq-1;sws-1). Asterisk indicates chromosomal abnormalities. (C) Representative images of −1 oocytes analyzed as described in B. Bar, 2 μm. (D) Representative images of RAD-51 foci from the transition zone (left) to late pachytene (right) in helq-1 and helq-1;sws-1 germlines. Bar, 20 μm.