Figure 2.
Negative correlation between diversity and distance from Xp, crossing the pseudoautosomal boundary. Diversity in 100 kb nonoverlapping windows along the pseudoautosomal boundary is plotted across the first 6 Mb of the human X chromosome, spanning the annotated pseudoautosomal boundary at 2.7 Mb. A series of linear regressions was run, including 30 windows, sliding by one window across the PARs to the nonPARs. Each 100 kb window is colored red if it is included in a regression in which distance from Xp and diversity are significantly negatively correlated; otherwise, the windows are colored black. For the entire region together, diversity is significantly negatively correlated with distance from Xp (P = 3.281 × 10−10; r = −0.7321563) and spans the pseudoautosomal boundary.