Table 3.
AUC for each method as a function of segment size, using 25-fold cross-validation
RR intervals | AFD (95% CI) | KS (95% CI) | SD (95% CI) | Med (95% CI) |
7 | 0.9942 (0.9873–1.0000) | 0.9434 (0.9307–0.9561) | 0.9797 (0.9715–0.9879) | 0.9523 (0.9410–0.9636) |
15 | 0.9977 (0.9955–0.9999) | 0.9894 (0.9862–0.9926) | 0.9892 (0.9840–0.9944) | 0.9697 (0.9603–0.9791) |
21 | 0.9973 (0.9939–1.0000) | 0.9938 (0.9918–0.9958) | 0.9908 (0.9858–0.9958) | 0.9734 (0.9649–0.9819) |
33 | 0.9980 (0.9966–0.9994) | 0.9965 (0.9949–0.9981) | 0.9926 (0.9881–0.9971) | 0.9775 (0.9697–0.9853) |
101 | 0.9992 (0.9986–0.9998) | 0.9986 (0.9978–0.9994) | 0.9925 (0.9877–0.9973) | 0.9829 (0.9752–0.9906) |
AUC – Area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, AFD – current algorithm, KS – Kolmogorov-Smirnov test compared to stored template histograms, SD – standard deviation of RR intervals, Med – Median difference of adjacent RR intervals, CI – Confidence interval