Figure 7.
Overexpression of YAP1 suppresses miR-194-induced hepatocytic differentiation in HepaRG cells. (A): MiR-194 levels determined by quantitative PCR in HepaRG-empty, HepaRG-miR-194-empty and HepaRG-miR-194-YAP1 celle lines. (B): YAP1 mRNA and protein expression levels determined respectively by quantitative PCR and by western-blot analysis in HepaRG-empty, HepaRG-miR-194-empty and HepaRG-miR-194-YAP1 cell lines. The expression of α-tubulin was used to control protein loading. (C): Mean bile canaliculi densities of HepaRG-miR-194-empty and HepaRG-miR-194-YAP1 cell lines assessed from three randomly selected fields in two independent experiments. (D): Relative mRNA expression levels of HNF4A, ALDOB and ALB measured by quantitative PCR at day 14 and day 28 of the differentiation process in HepaRG-miR-194-YAP1 cell lines compared to HepaRG-miR-194-empty cell lines.