Table 3.
Nodal Level Sensitivity by Biopsy Technique and Etiology (N=111 nodes)
Conditions Positively Identified by a Consensual Gold Standard* |
Number of Nodes (Sensitivity in %) Positively Diagnosed per Biopsy Technique |
Malignant Conditions (Total Nodes per Condition) | TBNA | ca-TBFB | p-value** |
NSCLC (33) | 33 (100%) | 24 (73%) | 0.002 |
Small Cell Lung Cancer (14) | 14 (100%) | 13 (93%) | *** |
Lymphoma (5) | 5 (100%) | 4 (80%) | *** |
Metastatic Other**** (2) | 2 (100%) | 1 (50%) | *** |
Total Malignant (54) | 54 (100%) | 42 (78%) | <0.001 |
Nonmalignant Conditions (Total Nodes per Condition) |
TBNA | ca-TBFB | p-value** |
Granulomatous Inflammation (19) | 6 (32%) | 17 (85%) | *** |
Infection (2) | 1 (50%) | 2 (100%) | *** |
Lymphocytes Only (36) | 33 (92%) | 28 (78%) | 0.072 |
Total Non-malignant (57) | 40 (70%) | 47 (82%) | *** |
Overall Total | 94 (85%) | 89 (80%) | *** |
Abbreviations: TBNA = Transbronchial needle aspiration, in this study, always performed with endobronchial ultrasound guidance
ca-TBFB - Cautery-assisted transbronchial forceps biopsy, always performed with endobronchial ultrasound guidance
NSCLC – Non-small cell lung cancer
Two independent, blinded pathologists reached consensus with ties resolved by a third
From Fisher’s Exact Test
Underpowered to detect the indicated differences with given sample size
Metastatic Melanoma, Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma (1 node each)