Maternal HF diet intake resulted in increased antral follicle AMH immunostaining and decreased mRNA levels of key regulators of follicle growth in adult offspring at P120. Representative photomicrographs of AMH immunostaining in antral follicles in CON and HF offspring ovaries with negative control (a). Bars = 100 μm. P120 offspring born to HF-fed dams had increased positive AMH immunostaining in antral follicles (b). Adult HF offspring also demonstrated decreased mRNA expression of Gdf9, Dazl, and Erα (c) (n = 9, CON; n = 6, HF). No change in Bmp15 or Erβ mRNA expression was observed in adult HF offspring (c). Data are mean ± SEM fold changes relative to CON offspring for follicle counts. Student unpaired t-test, *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01.