IL23Rα-protective variants display different receptor maturation. A, glycosylation states of IL23Rα stably expressed in HEK293 cells. Cell lysates were treated with Endo H or with peptide N-glycosidase and neuraminidase and resolved by SDS-PAGE and Western blot using antibodies against IL23Rα. Endo H-resistant receptors are mature in glycosylation, whereas Endo H-sensitive receptor corresponds to immature glycosylated receptor. B, Western blots of cell lysates from HEK293 transfected with IL23Rα common or protective variants. The amount of cDNA transfected is noted in parentheses. Mature (M IL23Rα) or immature IL23Rα (IM IL23Rα) receptors are indicated to the right. Molecular markers are displayed to the left of the blots in kDa. C, the ratio of mature IL23Rα (M) to immature IL23Rα (IM) was calculated. Data represented are the means ± S.D. calculated from three independent experiments. Statistical significance-calculated ANOVA is denoted by the asterisk (*), where p < 0.01.