Inhibition of endothelial cell tube formation. HUVECs were treated with medium containing VEGF-A, RAMBO, and cilengitide, and then assayed by the KURABO Angiogenesis Kit. A: The representative images show tube formation of HUVECs. a: VEGF-A (10 ng/mL), b: VEGF-A + RAMBO (5×102 pfu), c: VEGF-A + cilengitide (0.1 μM), and d: VEGF-A+RAMBO (5.0 ×102 pfu) + cilengitide (0.1 μM).
B: Significant reduction in tube formation of HUVECs treated with RAMBO and cilengitide combined compared to RAMBO or cilengitide monotherapy (*: P = 0.0090 and **: P = 0.028, respectively).