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. 2016 May 4;10:735–742. doi: 10.2147/PPA.S98034

Table 2.

Differences between demographic, clinical, and psychological characteristics of adherent and nonadherent patients

Characteristics Adherent n=45 Nonadherent n=77 P-value
Age (years) mean ± SD 55.31±13.24 55.14±9.69 0.941
Sex, female, n (%) 40 (89) 64 (83) 0.386
Marital status, n (%) 0.772
 Married 40 (89) 71 (92)
 Other marital status 5 (11) 6 (8)
Education level, n (%) 0.016*
 Primary (0–6 years) 22 (49) 21 (27)
 Secondary (7–12 years) 20 (44) 46 (60)
 Higher (>12 years) 3 (7) 10 (13)
Employment, n (%) 0.218
 Employed 26 (58) 53 (69)
 Unemployed 19 (42) 24 (31)
Monthly per capita income, n (%) 0.031*
 <1,000 yuan 28 (62) 32 (42)
 1,000–2,999 yuan 13 (29) 33 (43)
 3,000–5,000 yuan 3 (7) 9 (12)
 >5,000 yuan 1 (2) 3 (4)
Type of medical insurance, n (%) 0.981
 With basic medical insurance 32 (71) 54 (70)
 Self-pay 11 (24) 19 (25)
 Other 2 (4) 4 (5)
Hospitalization, yes, n (%) 36 (80) 63 (82) 0.804
Tobacco use, yes, n (%) 3 (7) 6 (8) 1.000
Alcohol use, yes, n (%) 6 (13) 16 (21) 0.302
Family history, yes, n (%) 5 (11.1) 4 (5) 0.397
Disease duration, mean ± SD 8.64±9.17 8.84±9.27 0.734
Comorbid conditions, yes, n (%) 20 (44) 26 (34) 0.240
Total number of DMARDs, n (%) 0.032*
 One 18 (40) 13 (17)
 Two 15 (33) 38 (49)
 Three 11 (24) 22 (29)
 >Three 1 (2) 4 (5)
ESR (mm/hour), mean ± SD 24.42±24.86 30.52±27.70 0.129
CRP (mg/L), mean ± SD 17.74±29.00 15.94±21.53 0.947
DAS28, mean ± SD 3.73±1.55 3.85±1.50 0.673
HAQ, mean ± SD 0.53±0.70 0.42±0.58 0.595
VAS global (mm), mean ± SD 4.41±3.05 4.27±2.59 0.781
VAS pain (mm), mean ± SD 3.92±3.34 3.95±3.11 0.951
HADS anxiety, n (%) 29 (64) 56 (73) 0.337
HADS depression, n (%) 25 (56) 59 (77) 0.015*
Domains of SF-36, mean ± SD
 PF 54.11±31.43 59.48±27.62 0.327
 RP 25.56±39.70 18.83±34.45 0.239
 BP 51.67±26.54 46.21±25.41 0.262
 GH 42.53±25.01 42.23±18.75 0.945
 VT 53.33±23.33 50.26±15.66 0.434
 SF 62.50±31.19 60.39±24.54 0.680
 RE 37.78±46.38 34.20±41.88 0.729
 MH 58.58±23.30 62.75±14.76 0.283



P<0.05. Adherence, measured with the Compliance Questionnaire on Rheumatology, is expressed as dichotomous (<80% or ≥80% adherence) variable.

Abbreviations: SD, standard deviation; DMARD, disease-modifying antirheumatic drug; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; CRP, C-reactive protein; DAS28, 28-Joint Disease Activity Score; HAQ, health assessment questionnaire; VAS global, visual analog scale for general health; VAS pain, visual analog scale for pain; HADS, hospital anxiety and depression scale; SF-36, short form-36 questionnaire; PF, physical functioning; RP, role limitations due to physical problems; BP, body pain; GH, general health perception; VT, energy/vitality; SF, social functioning; RE, role limitations due to emotional problems; MH, mental health.