FIG 2.
Real-time qPCR analysis of gene expression of selected intestinal metabolic enzymes and drug efflux transporters. Total RNA extracted from jejunal tissue biopsy specimen obtained from each subject was used for analysis of mRNA expression levels of each target gene using TaqMan gene expression assays specific for human CYP3A4 (A), ABCB1 (B), ABCC2 (C), or ABCG2 (D), obtained from Life Technologies Inc., Burlington, Ontario, Canada (assay Hs00604506_m1, Hs00184500_m1, Hs00166123_m1, or Hs01053790_m1, respectively). In each sample, the expression of the target gene was normalized to an internal control, GAPDH, by the ΔCT method. Statistically significant differences in mRNA expression between groups (negative versus HIV+ naïve, negative versus HIV+ on ART, and HIV+ naive versus HIV+ on ART) were determined using GraphPad Prism (version 5.01; Graph Pad Software, San Diego, CA) by applying the nonparametric two-tailed Mann-Whitney test with significance defined by a P value of <0.05.