Figure 2.
CryoEM structure of TRPA1. All panels follow the color scheme outlined in Figure 1. A and B: Surface and cartoon views of the TRPA1 extracellular face, respectively. Only one subunit in (A) is colored, highlighting the domain swapping of the S1–S4 bundle (lilac) and pore-forming S5–S6 (blue). In (B) the S5 and S6 helices are grey to highlight the two pore helices, labeled in one subunit, at the pore entrance and the unexpected TRP-domain helices positioned like radiating spokes beneath the transmembrane domain. C: TRPA1 viewed from the side with one subunit as a colored cartoon to indicate the relative position of each element in the subunit. D: Key features of TRPA1 are colored on a cartoon side view, including the upper and lower gates (orange), asparagine 855 position involved in familial episodic pain syndrome (blue), tetrameric coiled coil (green), TRP-domain helix (red), and proposed β-sheet (turquoise and green).