Figure 3.
Example of the effects of the cholesterol in a membrane with coexisting fluid/gel phases studied using spectral phasors. (a) Spectra recorded of the MLVs of a mixture 1:1 mol of DOPC:DPPC with the addition of cholesterol (0%—green, 5%—blue, 10%—red, 20%—pink and 50%—cyan) at 35 °C. (b) Calculated GP values from the spectral intensity (GP = I440 − I490/I440 + I490). (c) Spectral phasor position of each sample in the first harmonic. (d) Spectral phasor position of each sample in the second harmonic. All the measurements were done in triplicate and each point represents the mean standard deviation (when standard deviations do not appear they are smaller than the symbol diameter).