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. 2016 May;47(5):1151–1157. doi: 10.1016/j.injury.2015.12.019

Table 2.

Twelve external causes of injury studied by GBD 2010 with corresponding ICD-10 codes, search terms, number of systematic reviews (R) and protocols (P) in CDSR, and number of studies in Cochrane review.

Condition ICD-10 code Search terms Number OF Cochrane Reviews (R) and protocols (P) Number of studies in Cochrane Review
Road injury V01-V04, V06, V09, V10-V19, V20-V29, V30-V79, V87.2-V87.3, V80, V82, V05, V81, V83-V86, V88.2, V88.3, V91, V93-V98, “pedal cycle” 40 (R)
4 (P)
“pedestrian collision”
“pedestrian injury”
“transport accident”
“animal drawn vehicle”
“pedal cycle”
“motorised bicycle”
“motor scooter”
“car occupant”
“pick-up truck”
“heavy transport vehicle”
“motorised tricycle”
“animal rider”
“horse rider”

Other transport injury V05, V81, V83-V86, V88.2, V88.3, V91, V93-V98 “pedestrian railway” 1 (R) 10
“person car pick-up truck”
“person car van”
“person car bus”
“non-traffic collision”
“transport accident”
“powered glider”
“balloon accident”
“air transport”
“cable car”

Falls W00-W19 “fall” 44 (R)
1 (P)

Fire, heat, and hot substances X00-X19 “fire” 19 (R) 246
“burning building”

Mechanical forces W32-W34, W24-W31, W45-W46, W21, W39, W44, W49-W52, W75-W99, X50-X58 “handgun” 15 (R) 314
“lifting devices”
“sharp glass”
“hand tool”
“foreign body”
“nail skin”
“contact needle”
“sports equipment”
“gravitational forces”
“aspiration of gastric contents”
“accidental asphyxia”
“electric line”
“electric current”
“electric shock”
“mountain sickness”
“insufficient nourishment”

Poisonings X40, X43-X44 X46-X48 “poisoning” 11 (R)
2 (P)

Adverse effects of medical treatment Y40-Y84, Y88 “unintentional cut” 7 (R)
1 (P)
“unintentional puncture”
“unintentional haemorrhage”
“sterile precautions”
“contaminated medical”
“contaminated biological”
“blood mismatch”
“medical devices”
“adverse medical”

Animal contact X20-X29, W53-W64 “snake” 6 (R)
1 (P)
“fer de lance”
“gila monster”
“yellow jacket”
“marine animal”

Self-harm X60-X83 “self-harm” 6 (R)
3 (P)

Interpersonal violence X93-X95, X99, X85-X92, X96-X98, Y00-Y08 “assault” 22 (R)
3 (P)
“homicidal poisoning”
“sexual assault”
“mental cruelty”
“physical abuse”

Exposure to forces of nature X30-X39 “heat stroke” 1 (R) 0
“cataclysmic storm”
“tidal wave”
“torrential rain”

Collective violence and legal intervention Y35-36, Y89.0, Y89.1 “collective violence” 0 0
“legal intervention”
“legal execution”