Figure 6.
Presynaptic proteins are regulated by Sir2, and decreased Synapsin hinders ethanol tolerance. A, Diagram depicting genes upregulated and downregulated by ethanol exposure in control (blue) and Sir2− (orange) flies, as assayed by RNAseq. B, Relative expression of genes coding for synaptic proteins between control and Sir2− flies, assayed by RNA-seq. C, qPCR showing Syn expression changes in control and Sir2− flies, with and without ethanol exposure (left, n = 9; right, n = 5–6). D–F, Brains (25 μm projections) expressing synaptotagmin-GFP in 17d pattern (green) from untreated (D), 30 min ethanol plus 60 min recovery (E), and 30 min ethanol plus 120 min recovery (F) immunostained with Syn (magenta). Scale bar, 20 μm. G, H, Sedation sensitivity (G) and sedation tolerance (H) in Syn97 (Syn-null) flies vs controls (n = 8). I, Relative mRNA expression of the presynaptic proteins Cac and Cdk5 in control and Sir2− flies when assayed via qPCR in ethanol-treated vs untreated flies (n = 3). Error bars indicate the SE. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01.