(Upper panel): Annual relative risk ratios for fatal stroke according to different categories of adherence to drug treatment before stroke death among statin users diagnosed with hypertension. On the horizontal axis is years to stroke death or the end of follow-up in (i = blue) patients adherent to statin and antihypertensive therapy (reference category n = 22,070); (ii = yellow) patients nonadherent to statin therapy and adherent to antihypertensive therapy (n = 13,494); (iii = green) patients adherent to statin therapy and nonadherent to antihypertensive therapy (n = 754); and (iv = red) patients nonadherent to statin and antihypertensive therapy (n = 1,884). Error bars indicate 95% confidence intervals. (Lower panel): Annual odds ratios for fatal stroke according to nonadherence (n = 15,716, red) versus adherence (reference category n = 21,688, blue) to statin therapy before stroke death or the end of follow-up among statin users not diagnosed with hypertension. Error bars indicate 95% confidence intervals.