Table 3.
Concept | Measure | Description of Measure and Reliability and Validity |
Cognition | Mini-Cog | Includes a three-item recall test for memory and a scored clock-drawing test (CDT) (Borson et al., 2003). The Mini-Cog has established validity, inter-rater and test-retest reliability. |
Comorbidities | Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) |
Includes 19 diseases that were weighted and summed (Charlson et al., 1987). Prior use demonstrated predictive validity, test-retest reliability and inter-rater reliability. |
Pain | Verbal Descriptor Scale |
Provides patients with the opportunity to describe pain [none (1) to excruciating (6)] and has evidence of concurrent validity and test-retest reliability (Herr, 2011; Herr, Spratt, Mobily, & Richardson, 2004) |
Fear of Falling | Fear of Falling | Patients are asked to rate their fear of falling on a scale of 0 to 4 (Scheffer, Schuurmans, Van Dijk, Van der Hooft, & De Rooij, 2008), There is evidence of test retest reliability and validity (Scheffer et al., 2008). |
Depression | The 5-Item Geriatric Depression Scale |
Evaluates 5 symptoms of depression and use has demonstrated specificity, validity and interrater and test retest reliability (Rinaldi et al., 2003). |
Delirium | Delirium-O- Meter |
Is an observation measure assessing 12 symptoms of delirium. Prior use supported internal consistency and validity (de Jonghe et al., 2005) |
Physical Resilience |
The Physical Resilience Measure |
Includes 17 items reflecting resilience with prior use providing evidence of reliability and validity based on Rasch analysis (Resnick, et al., 2011). |
Function | Barthel Index | Evaluates basic activities of daily living with varying degrees of assistance. Prior use provided evidence of internal consistency and validity (Mahoney, 1965; Sainsbury, Seebass, Bansal, & Young, 2005). |
Performance | Physical Performance Mobility Exam (PPME) |
Includes 6 tasks which are observed (low to high functioning). Prior testing established test retest and inter-rater reliability (r=.86) and inter-rater reliability (96.6%) and convergent and divergent validity (Sherrington, 2005; Winograd et al., 1994). |
Actigraphy | ActiGraph (24 hours) |
Objectively measured oactivitybased onactivity counts Prior use has demonstrated evidence of reliability and validity (ActiGraph, 2004). |
Physical Activity Survey |
Physical Activity Survey in Long Term Care |
A subjective measure of physical activity performed over a 24 hour period. Prior use provided evidence of criterion-referenced validity and inter-rater reliability (Resnick & Galik, 2007). |
Function Focused Care Knowledge Test |
Knowledge of Function Focused Care |
A 15-item paper and pencil test There is evidence of test-retest reliability and validity based on contrasted groups (Burkett et al., 2013). |
Objective function focused care behaviors of patients |
Function Focused Care Behavior Checklist for Patients |
A 19 item checklist reflecting patients' enactment of function focused care activities. There is evidence of inter-rater reliability and (Boltz, Capezuti, Shuluk, Secic, 2012). |
Objective function focused care behaviors by nurses |
Function Focused Care Behavior Checklist for Nurses |
A 19 item checklist reflecting nurses’ performance of function focused care. Prior testing provided evidence of inter-rater reliability , validity was based on contrasted groups and Rasch analysis (Resnick et al., 2007) |