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. 2016 May 9;7(3):576S–589S. doi: 10.3945/an.115.010231


Studies examining the cognitive effects of breakfast composition1

Reference Design Sample Conditions Cognitive measures and timing Reported results
19 Randomized crossover; CHO-to-PRO ratio Healthy; n = 15; age 26.3 y; 100% M 1) 4:1: 8.4 g glucose, 33.7 g maltodextrin, 8.4 g rice starch, 18.9 g milk PRO, 2.1 g dried chicken, 150 mL water Baseline, then every 15 min to 210 min 1) Immediate benefit of high CHO on attention
2) 1:1: 5.3 g glucose, 21.0 g maltodextrin, 5.3 g rice starch, 47.3 g milk PRO, 5.3 g dried chicken, 200 mL water Choice RT, Combi test, multitask test 2) Better choice RT over time with ratio of higher PRO or balanced PRO to CHO
3) 1:4: 2.1 g glucose, 8.4 g maltodextrin, 2.1 g rice starch, 75.8 g milk PRO, 8.4 g dried chicken, 250 mL water 3) Better choice RT, short-term memory, attention, and RT over time with ratio of higher PRO or balanced PRO to CHO
20 Randomized crossover; glucose vs. PRO vs. fat vs. placebo Healthy; n = 18; age 19 y; 72.2% F 1) Placebo: 290 mL water, 10 mL lemon juice, 2 g aspartame Baseline and 15 and 60 min 1) Better immediate word recall and numeric working memory accuracy with PRO than with placebo
2) Glucose: 260 mL water, 40 g glucose dextrose powder, 10 mL lemon juice Verbal list learning with concurrent frontomotor task (fist-chop-slap), picture memory, simple RT, choice RT, digit vigilance, numeric working memory 2) Impaired working memory with glucose compared with placebo
3) Fat: 249 mL water, 10 mL lemon juice, 2 g aspartame, 16 g Pura vegetable oil
4) PRO: 260 mL water, 10 mL lemon juice, 2 g aspartame, 40 g Casilan 90% PRO powder
21 Randomized crossover; varying fat and CHO content Healthy; n = 16; age 26.1 y; 87.5% F 1) Fasting Baseline and 30, 90, and 150 min No differences between conditions
2) Low fat/high CHO: 18.4 g fat, 98.7 g CHO, 15.2 g PRO Bakan test, 2-finger tapping test, free recall task, simple RT
3) Med fat/med CHO: 29.3 g fat, 74.8 g CHO, 13.8 g PRO
4) High fat/low CHO: 38.5 g fat, 56.2 g CHO, 14.5 g PRO
29 Randomized crossover; PRO vs. CHO vs. fat Healthy; n = 22; age 71.2 y; 50% F 1) Placebo: 290 mL water, 10 mL lemon juice, 23.7 mg saccharin 15 and 60 min 1) CHO improved or tended to improve trials at 15 and 60 min in men
2) CHO: 260 mL water, 10 mL lemon juice, 50 g glucose Verbal list learning, paragraph recall, trail-making test, experimental attention task 2) CHO and fat improved or tended to improve trials at 15 and 60 min in those with poor baseline
3) PRO: 260 mL water, 10 mL lemon juice, 50.5 g whey PRO isolate, 23.7 mg saccharin 3) Fat improved or tended to improve attention at 60 min
4) Fat: 248.9 mL water, 10 mL lemon juice, 41.1 g microlipid, 23.7 mg saccharin 4) PRO reduced rate of forgetting on paragraph recall at 15 min
35 Randomized crossover; CHO vs. PRO vs. fat Healthy; n = 15; age 26.5 y; 100% M 1) CHO: 10.5 g glucose, 84.2 g maltodextrin, 10.5 g rice starch, 150 mL water Every 15 min to 180 min 1) Fewer errors for choice RT after CHO vs. PRO
2) PRO: 94.7 g milk PRO, 10.5 g dried chicken, 250 mL water Simple and choice RT, Combi test 2) Greater accuracy and efficiency in peripheral attention after PRO vs. CHO
3) Fat: 15 g soybean oil, 15 g palm oil, 31.5 g double cream, 150 mL water 3) Fat superior to PRO and CHO for both
41 Nonrandomized crossover; glucose vs. PRO Healthy; n = 20; age 22 y; 50% F 1) Placebo: 240 mL water, 3 mg saccharin Baseline and 60 min Greater improvement for glucose than with PRO
2) Glucose: 240 mL water, 50 g glucose Verbal paired associates, story memory
3) PRO: 240 mL water, 50 g PRO
47 Randomized crossover; high vs. low GI Healthy; n = 40; age 59 y; 50% F 1) High GI: 50 g glucose bolus 35, 90, 120, 150, and 170 min Controlling for GT, better selective attention (170 min) after low- than after high-GI simulation.
2) Low GI: 50 g glucose sipping Experimental oral working memory task, experimental visual selective attention task
48 Randomized crossover; low sustained glucose vs. high GI Healthy; n = 40; age 62.9 y; 70% F 1) High GI: 125 g white wheat bread 75, 90, 120, 135, 165, 180, 210, and 225 min Low sustained glucose superior to high GI in selective attention late postprandial (75–225 min)
2) Low sustained glucose: 179 g guar gum–enriched white wheat bread, providing 50 g available starch Experimental oral working memory task, experimental visual selective attention task
49 Parallel arms (randomized); low vs. high GI Healthy; n = 106; age 21.1 y; 100% F 1) Low GI: plain biscuit cereal, 68.5 g CHO, 17.6 g fat, 6.6 g PRO; GI = 42.3; 15.8 g SAG, 39.5 g RAG 30, 90, 150, and 210 min Better verbal memory with low-GI breakfast at 150 and 210 min
2) High GI: cereal bar, 62.6 g CHO, 17.7 g fat, 7.3 g PRO; GI = 65.9; 0.1 g SAG, 42.3 g RAG List learning
50 Randomized crossover; low vs. high GI T2DM; n = 21; age 65 y; 52.4% F 1) Placebo: 250 mL water 15 min High GI worse than low GI for list learning, logical memory recall, working memory, executive function, and auditory selective attention
2) Low GI: 55.8 g pasta, 37.5 g cheese, 123.8 g tomato sauce List learning, paragraph recall, verbal paired associates, digit span, trail-making, Test of Everyday Attention
3) High GI: 98.6 g bread, 37.5 g cheese, 123.8 g tomato sauce
51 Randomized crossover; low vs. high GL T2DM; n = 34; age 58.6 y; 52.9% F 1) Fasting: 438 g water 30 and 120 min No effects, high vs. low GI
2) Low GL: 37.3 g CHO, 9.3 g fat, 20.9 g PRO, 12 GL Visual spatial learning, visual verbal learning, Corsi block tapping, Tower of Hanoi, grooved pegboard, psychomotor test, source monitoring, paragraph recall
3) High GL: 75 g CHO, 0 g fat, 0 g PRO, 71 GL
52 Randomized crossover; low vs. high GL Impaired GT and T2DM; n = 99; age 38.4 y; 83.8% F 1) Fasting: 438 g water 30 and 120 min No effects, high vs. low GI
2) Low GL: 37.3 g CHO, 9.3 g fat, 20.9 g PRO, 12 GL Visual verbal learning
3) High GL: 75 g CHO, 0 g fat, 0 g PRO, 71 GL
53 Randomized crossover; low vs. high GL Healthy and impaired GT; n = 65; age 37.6 y; 100% F 1) Fasting: 438 g water 30 and 120 min Low-GL breakfast improved verbal memory impairment in those with impaired GT and high waist circumference
2) Low GL: 37.3 g CHO, 9.3 g fat, 20.9 g PRO, 12 GL Visual spatial learning, visual verbal learning, Corsi block tapping, Tower of Hanoi, grooved pegboard, psychomotor test, word recognition
3) High GL: 75 g CHO, 0 g fat, 0 g PRO, 71 GL
54 Parallel arms (randomized); varying CHO and fiber content Healthy; n = 168; age 20.4 y; 100% F 1) Low CHO/low fiber: 15.10 g CHO, 1.46 g fiber, 0.34 g fat, 4.62 g PRO 30 and 90 min 1) Higher CHO related to faster RT at the later session; fastest with 1.5 g fiber
2) Low CHO/med fiber: 14.45 g CHO, 6.09 g fiber, 0.94 g fat, 6.03 g PRO Word list memory, rapid information processing task (vigilance), RT, and choice RT 2) Poor GT: high CHO and fiber related to poorer verbal memory
3) Med CHO/low fiber: 30.44 g CHO, 1.56 g fiber, 0.59 g fat, 8.83 g PRO
4) Med CHO/med fiber: 29.79 g CHO, 6.19 g fiber, 1.10 g fat, 10.24 g PRO
5) Med CHO/high fiber: 30.25 g CHO, 13.05 g fiber, 2 g fat, 12.45 g PRO
6) High CHO/low fiber: 49.84 g CHO, 1.44 g fiber, 0.58 g fat, 10.44 g PRO
7) High CHO/med fiber: 50.85 g CHO, 6.13 g fiber, 1.20 g fat, 12.01 g PRO
8) High CHO/high fiber: 49.65 g CHO, 12.93 g fiber, 2.08 g fat, 14.06 g PRO
55 Parallel arms (randomized); varying CHO, fat, and PRO content Healthy; n = 189; age 20.4 y; 100% F 1) Low CHO/low fat/low PRO: 24.4 g CHO, 1.1 g fat, 1.7 g PRO, 3.3 g fiber 30, 75, and 120 min; 1) list learning; 2) rapid information processing task (vigilance); 3) RT and choice RT 1) In individuals with better GT, high-GL breakfast related to faster reaction times and more correct responses in vigilance task
2) In individuals with better GT, better memory was observed with low amounts of PRO
2) High CHO/low fat/low PRO: 59.4 g CHO, 1.1 g fat, 1.7 g PRO, 3.3 g fiber
3) Low CHO/high fat/low PRO: 24.6 g CHO, 16.5 g fat, 1.7 g PRO, 3.2 g fiber
4) High CHO/high fat/low PRO: 59.6 g CHO, 16.5 g fat, 1.7 g PRO, 3.2 g
5) Low CHO/low fat/high PRO: 24.2 g CHO, 1.0 g fat, 9.8 g PRO, 3.2 g fiber
6) High CHO/low fat/high PRO: 59.2 g CHO, 1.0 g fat, 9.8 PRO, 3.2 g fiber
7) Low CHO/high fat/high PRO: 24.2 g CHO, 16.4 g fat, 9.9 g PRO, 3.2 g fiber
8) High CHO/high fat/high PRO: 59.4 g CHO, 16.4 g fat, 9.8 g PRO, 3.2 g fiber

All results presented were significant unless a trend was noted. CHO, carbohydrate; GI, glycemic index; GL, glycemic load; GT, glucose tolerance; Med, medium; PRO, protein; RAG, rapidly available glucose; RT, reaction time; SAG, slowly available glucose; T2DM, type 2 diabetes mellitus.