Effect of ipamorelin in a rat model of POI. Compared to non-POI control rats, abdominal surgery in VEH-treated rats increased the amount of radioactivity remaining in the stomach, decreased the geometric center, and decreased the distance traveled by the head of the radiolabeled meal. Ipamorelin administered intravenously decreased the amount of radioactivity remaining in the stomach (A), increased the geometric center (B), and increased distance traveled by the head of meal (C).
Notes: Data are mean ± SEM for 5–10 rats in each group. Statistical significance was assessed by one-way analysis of variance followed by Dunnett posttest for multiple comparisons. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01 compared to POI+VEH-treated rats.
Abbreviations: POI, postoperative ileus; VEH, vehicle.