Fig. 1. fc2 mutants suffer from chloroplast degradation and photooxidative stress during dark-to-light transitions.
(A) fc2 mutant seedlings are unable to turn green after 4 days of growth in the dark. (B) The survival rate (the ability to turn green in 48 hours of light) of 100 seedlings first grown for the indicated number of days in the dark. (C) fc2-1 cotyledons undergo cell death, as shown by SYTOX green staining of dead nuclei. Scale bars, 200 μm. (D) A microarray analysis of transcripts induced (at least twofold, P ≤ 0.05) in 4-day-old dark grown seedlings during the first 2 hours of de-etiolation. (E) Five-day-old seedling phenotypes under different day lengths. (F) Representative TEM micrographs of chloroplasts in 3-day-old cotyledon mesophyll cells 2 hours after dawn. Scale bars, 2 μm. (G) Confocal images of 3-day-old fc2-1 seedling cotyledons grown in 8 hours of light/day expressing plastid-targeted YFP (RBCS-YFP) before (time 0) or after light exposure. White arrows indicate cells with cytoplasmic YFP. Scale bars, 20 μm.