Fig 3. YY1 is required for antigen-specific germinal center development and for generation of antigen-specific IgG1.
(A) Splenocytes from NP-CGG immunized γ1CRE and YY1f/f γ1CRE mice were harvested at 14 days after immunization and stained with various antibodies, as well as PNA to detect GC B cells. We gated on CD4−CD8−F4/80−Gr1−(DUMP−) IgD- cells that were subdivided into PNA+B220+ GC-B cells. GC-B cells were gated and further subsetted into NP-specific (NP+B220+) GC-B cells. Representative results are from three independent experiments. (B) Numbers of NP-specific (NP+B220+) GC-B cells per spleen of immunized mice (n = 3). (C) γ1CRE and YY1f/f γ1CRE mice were immunized with NP-CGG, and 14 days later spleen sections were stained with anti-GL7, anti-IgD and anti-TCRβ antibody. GL7-rich regions demarcate germinal center B cells. (D, E) Serum from NP-CGG immunized γ1CRE and YY1f/f γ1CRE mice were collected at 14 days after immunization and NP-specific serum Igs were analyzed using ELISA. D. The concentration of low affinity (NP26, left panel) and high affinity (NP4, right panel) IgG1 in the serum. E. Titer of NP-specific total IgM in the sera of immunized mice. Data are derived from sera samples that were obtained from three experiments. Asterisks indicate p<0.001.