Table 3. Summary statistics of functional annotation for unigenes.
Annotated databases | No. of unigene hit | Percentage |
NRa | 102,616 | 53.32% |
NTb | 118,804 | 61.73% |
Swiss-Prot | 66,268 | 34.43% |
KEGGc | 64,544 | 33.54% |
COGd | 42,890 | 22.29% |
GOe | 62,273 | 32.36% |
Total | 137,363 | 71.37% |
a NCBI non-redundant protein database,
b NCBI nucleotide sequence database,
c Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes database,
dClusters of Orthologous Groups database,
eGene Ontology database.