Fig 1. Double immunofluorescence staining of core and periphery of patient glioblastomas.
Histological sections were stained with Dapi (blue), IDH1 (green) and CD133 (red) (AA-BE), Nestin (red) (CA-DE) and Musashi-1 (red) (EA to FE). The software-based classifier is shown in the right column. The classifier illustrates tumor cells co-expressing markers of interest in yellow and tumor cells not co-expressing markers of interest in green. The fluorescence stainings were quantified in both core and periphery for CD133 (G,J), Nestin (H,K) and Musashi-1 (I,L). Statistical comparison was performed using student’s t-test and ANOVA, ** p< 0.01. Scalebar: 200μm.