A) Ectopic posterior mouths are observed in regenerating trunk pieces of
ndl-3, wntP-2, and
ndl-3; wntP-2 RNAi animals 7 dpa. Number of animals showing ectopic mouths are described in
Figure 3A. Yellow arrows point to mouths. Anterior, left; ventral, up. Scale bar, 100 μm. (
B) DAPI stainings of RNAi animals show pharynges in the different RNAi conditions. Bracket indicates pharyngeal cavity length. Anterior, up; Scale bar, 100 μm. Images are representative of n>10 animals per condition. (
C) Graph shows the percentage of intact RNAi animals with a total of two or more mouths after 8 RNAi feedings. p-values, Fisher’s exact test. 3 independent RNAi experiments are pooled in this analysis. Number of animals with ectopic mouths out of total animals (n) are indicated. (
D) FISH using RNA probes for
ndl-3 and
wntP-2 show a decrease in the expression of those genes following their RNAi demonstrating the efficiency of the inhibition (total of 8 RNAi feedings). Graphs below (mean ± SD) show quantification of the mRNA levels by qRT-PCR. Student's t-test, * p<0.05, ** p<0.01. Cartoons show the region from where the mRNA was extracted. (
E) Graph shows the percentage of intact RNAi animals with a total of two or more mouths after different number of RNAi feedings. The first five RNAi feedings were performed with only
ndl-3; wntP-2 dsRNA. β
-catenin-1 or control dsRNA was added in addition to
ndl-3; wntP-2 starting on feeding six.