(A) The activity of an example PPS neuron in the SCS task. Averaged spike density with the 95% confidence interval (shaded area) in the preferred (black) and null direction (grey) are shown in the upper panel, whereas the horizontal and vertical eye traces are shown in the lower panel. (B) The averaged population activity of 89 PPS neurons (69 neurons from monkey B, 20 neurons from monkey DT). (C) Comparison of each neuron’s activity between trials that saccades directed to the left or right target. Symbols represent the activity of single neurons. The horizontal and vertical bars represent the standard error of the mean (SEM) of pre-saccadic activity (-200~0 ms from saccade start). The filled dots denote that the activity is significantly different between left and right saccades (p<0.05, Wilcoxon test). (D) The correlation between perisaccadic activities (-150~100 ms after saccade end) of single PPS neurons (n = 55) and the end-position of the horizontal saccades. Each dot represents the correlation coefficient value of a single neuron. The histograms in horizontal and vertical axis represent the distribution of correlation coefficient and p value, respectively. (m: mean, p: p value, n: number of neurons).