C3 Signaling Is Required for Epithelial Expansion
(A–C) Model prediction of tissue expansion as a consequence of chemotaxis-driven RI. In the presence of chemotaxis, both the SL and DL expand simultaneously with RI (B, coloring for visual aid only), while no expansion is observed without chemotaxis (C).
(D–F) Time-lapse imaging of epiboly in live embryos (D) reveals that while SCs drift away from one another following CoMo treatment (E), the distance of SCs in C3aR-deficient embryos does not increase (F) during the process.
(G–I) Ex vivo study of tissue expansion using the intercalation assay (G). Cells in the DL separate as the isolated tissue undergoes expansion (H). This expansion is lost in tissues lacking C3aR (I).
(J) Quantification of tissue expansions as the difference in the final and initial distances relative to the initial distance of tracked cell pairs in silico, in vivo, and ex vivo. Error, SD; significance, ∗∗p ≤ 0.01, ∗∗∗p < 0.001. See also Figure S7.