Fig. 3.
Histology analysis of hM4Di-CFP DREADD expression. (A and B) Flatmap reconstructions of DREADD expression from DAB-stained sections – e.g. sections i, ii, iii, iv presented below flatmaps. Brodmann regions indicated by blue numbers. Sulci: mo – medial orbital, lo – lateral orbital, olf – olfactory, rs – retrospenial. (C–D) Confocal fluorescent images of DREADD expression (green) and somata (red). (C) DREADD expression in OFC. Cellular expression areas are outlined in white. Black square in left panel indicates area enlarged in the right panel. (D) DREADD-expressing axonal projections in Rh. White square in left panel indicates area enlarged in the right panel. Synaptic boutons are visible along projections (white arrows).